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    • 你们所有人的脸简介
    p   Since 二0一四, in France, Restorative Justice has offered victims and perpetrators of offences the opportunity to dialogue through secure systems, supervised by professionals and volunteers such as Judith, Fanny or Michel Nassim, Issa, and Thomas, sentenced for theft with violence, Gregoire, Nawelle and Sabine, victims of home jacking, robbery and purse snatching Also Chloe, victim of incestuous rape, all engage in measures of Restorative Justice On their journey, there is anger and hope, silence and words, alliances and heartbreaks, awareness and regained confidence And at the end of the road, sometimes, reparation p 。本视频《你们所有人的脸》由12306影视-播播影院m12306.com收集自网络发布。如果您喜欢12306影视-播播影院提供的



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